polish heritage center at panna maria

exhibit designer

steve harding design






gary zvonkovic photography

The Panna Maria Heritage Center Foundation is a celebration of the first permanent Polish settlement in the United States, at Panna Maria, Texas, in 1854. The permanent exhibit follows the timeline of Polish immigrants in the US, from early history in Europe to modern-day. With the exhibit space utilizing everything from printed graphics to video screens to artifact displays to audio recordings, it was the job of the lighting to highlight graphics, artifacts and text while staying out of the way of video screens and other audio video equipment in the ceiling space. Fixture placement, aiming and beam spreads were all key to ensuring the entire exhibit, regardless of format was both visually engaging and easily navigable. G2LD was also responsible for the lighting in the main entry and the stunning central rotunda, which combines uplighitng on the painted don with internally lit displays and highly focused art lighting for dramatic effect.

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